“Gopher vs Ferris [Rust]” and “Performance Considerations in Go” – Auckland – 21 August 2018


Auckland based group for anyone interested in Go programming language. We will try to organise regular meetups with talks by members and guests. Depending on interest we can also consider organising Go hacking sessions.

Another amazing lineup this month for us eager Gophers [and Rustaceans alike]. Thanks to Movio again for the venue, drinks and pizza.

First up, Jacky Zhen with ‘Gopher vs Ferris’:

“Both Go and Rust are categorised as a systems programming languages, but both approach it in different paradigms. I’m a big fan of Go’s simplicity and pragmatism, but have times found some of the language features to be lacking.
Recently I’ve been playing around with Rust and have discovered many interesting aspects of the language. In this talk I’d like to share what I find awesome about Rust from the perspective of someone who has worked with Go and some functional languages.
As a keen student of both languages I would like compare and contrast the two languages and talk about what I think they could take from one another.”

Jacky is a prolific full stack engineer on Movio’s Numero team. Jacky is super-cool and squeaky-clean. Funnily enough, the only time I’ve heard Jacky swear was 15 hours deep into a hackathon, fighting with the Rust compiler for the first time. Naturally, he’d tamed it before the day was done.

Second up will be Taco de Wolff, with “Performance optimization in Go”:

“I’ll discuss various ways to optimize Go programs and dive into some of the underlying details. I have been giving introductory talks about Go lately, and I’d like to talk about something more in-depth.”

Taco currently works at the University of Auckland within the bio-engineering institute, where he does modelling on lungs. Previously worked for TixTrack, which is a software development company for ticketing software using Go. He’s also known for github.com/tdewolff/minify, which is a high-performance minifier in Go.

When and Where

Tuesday 21 August 2018
6pm – 8pm

2.4 / 30 St Benedicts St

How Much



Meetup page for 21 August 2018 meet
Go AKL meetup group