Wellycon is a tabletop game convention held annually in Wellington, New Zealand. It is the largest board gaming convention in New Zealand
Since 2008 people have been gathering in the nations capital to enjoy two days of fun board gaming with friends old and new. Growing from an initial group of 20 gamers over 10 years ago, we now welcome over 400 people to the main event each year. People of all ages convene to enjoy learning new games, participating in workshops, play-testing games from designers, challenging friends and newcomers to favourite games and competing in a variety of tournaments…
The event revolves around a library of board games, card-, dice-, tile-based and other games brought along by the attendees e.g. Settlers of Catan, Ticket to ride, mainly in the ‘modern’ board games genres – Eurogames and American-style board games. Participants select a game, find some people who would like to play and a suitable table and go to it. Wellycon volunteers assist those who are new to board games or have difficulty getting enough players together to start a game. There are tournaments throughout the weekend and a game design competition where small groups create a game using a simple set of components. In addition there is a section where attendees can try out games which are still under development – Game Designers Corner – and give feedback to the creators.
When and Where
2nd and 3rd June 2018 (Queens Birthday Weekend)
10:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Wellington Girls College
18 Pipitea St, Thorndon
Wellington, 6011 New Zealand
How Much
1 Day – $19
2 Days – $33
Late Night – $15